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Explorer Program

What Do Explorers Do?

The Osceola County Sheriff’s Office established Explorer Post 816 in 1987 to encourage a more positive relationship between law enforcement and the youth of the community, and to provide interested young people with a means to determine if their participation in the Explorer program could lead to a future in law enforcement.

The program emphasizes ethics, personal integrity and respect. Through the program, Explorers develop self-confidence, the ability to make positive decisions and the qualities needed for leadership.

Our Explorer Post is supervised by the community service deputies and is structured to reflect the agency’s chain of command. Explorers participate in training exercises and scenarios similar to the deputies’ in-service training and earn rank in a promotional process that includes tests and oral interviews.

Explorers assist deputies at parades, Sheriff’s Office and community events, crime prevention activities, and crime watch meetings. They work parking details, supervise children’s activities, assist with fingerprinting at events, and provide administrative assistance to the Sheriff’s Office. In aiding the Sheriff’s Office with events, Explorers earn community service/volunteer hours that can be applied to scholarships and college applications.

What Are The Training Opportunities For Explorers?

Most training takes place during regular meetings at the Sheriff’s Office. Occasionally, Explorers train at off-site locations.

Explorers Post 816

Members of the Osceola County Sheriff’s Explorers receive training in the following areas.

  • Arrests and Search Procedures
  • Defensive Tactics
  • Basic First Aid
  • Domestic Violence
  • Building Searches
  • Drug Recognition
  • Criminal Law
  • Firearms
  • Crime Prevention
  • Radio Communications
  • Crime Scene
  • Report Writing
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Traffic Stops

How Do I Become A Sheriff’s Explorer?

If you like a challenge and are interested in the law enforcement profession, the Osceola County Sheriff’s Explorer Program is for you. To become a member of Explorer Post 816, call our Community Services office at 407-348-1190 for an application, or download an application from our website, Complete the application and return it to Community Services.

To become a member, you must:

• Be a graduate of the 8th grade.

• Be between the ages 14-21.

• Be enrolled in a high school, college or other school program.

• Maintain a 2.0 academic grade point average (GPA).

• Be of high moral character.

• Have no misdemeanor or felony convictions.

• Pass an applicant screening process.

• Have an interest in learning about law enforcement and serving your community.

• Be willing to make the required commitments to Explorer Post meetings and details.

Upon acceptance of your application, a background check will be conducted, and you will be notified of the next meeting to attend. Explorers meet weekly on Tuesdays between 6:00 and 8:00 pm at the Sheriff’s Office