MISSING JUVENILE – Jaime Ashanti Major –

Jaime Ashanti Majors - Missing Juvenile _Recovered

UPDATE MISSING JUVENILE – Jaime Ashanti Major – Has been found in good health.

Sheriff Marcos R. Lopez and the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office are requesting help from the community to locate a missing juvenile.
AGE: 15
SEX: Female
Hair: Black
Height: 5’06”
Weight: 160 LBS
Race: black
Eyes: brown
On 5/19/2021 deputies responded to the area of the Sherwood Forest Mobile Home Park, in reference to a missing juvenile, Jaime Ashanti Major (DOB 6/11/2005), who was last seen on that same date around 3:00 PM. Jaime is described as a black female, black hair, brown eyes, approximately 5’06”, and weighs around 160 pounds. She was last seen wearing a bright multi-colored jacket, black shorts with a white strip down the side, and yellow crocs.

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