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C.A.R.E.S. or the Community Advisory Review Board of Enforcement Standards, is a multidisciplinary committee of Osceola County citizens tasked with reviewing topics of concern by the community that the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office services. These reviews may include such items as agency policy and procedures, current events as it pertains to law enforcement, best practices in law enforcement, and other subject matter requested by the Sheriff. The C.A.R.E.S. committee may provide recommendations regarding topics they have reviewed.

C.A.R.E.S. is comprised of seven members of Osceola County. Five of the members are nominated by one of our five Osceola County Commissioners. One member is nominated to represent law enforcement through such organizations as the Police Benevolent Association or the Fraternal Order of Police. The final member is selected by the Sheriff. Each of these members has a passion for their community and has agreed to volunteer their time to strengthen relationships between the community and the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office.

Sheriff Marcos Lopez is committed to the citizens he serves. He C.A.R.E.S.

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